Glenn Beck is the third most listened to talk show host in the country. You can debate who number one and two are. He also seems to be the most polarizing - you either love him or you hate him. You either think he is insightful and humorous or hateful and way way out in left field.

Quotes here are - by nature - taken out of context. Please don't judge too harshly before you visit the full transcripts from which the quotes are pulled. If you launch a tirade knowing only partial facts - odds are someone here will quickly (and sternly) call you on it.

We've given you space to run with what you see in the quote of the day. Blast him. Praise him. You choose. Please be PG in your comments (not PC - PG as in PG rated)

To steal a popular sign on - Have a ball "you sick twisted freak!"

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Kitty, Kitty...

A housecat, are you kidding? Look at these vicious beasts. I mean, tell me that this thing wouldn`t tear you limb from limb. I think, if we do build a border fence, we need to extend it to encircle the murderous ocelot and isolate it from all humanity, in fact, maybe, just maybe, we consider a preemptive strike, air strikes strafing the ocelots. Yes, I'm just saying.

– Glenn Beck

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Glenn always makes me laugh. Anybody who see's his stuff out of context must think he's a moron or a psycho - but if you know him you can't help but laugh! Keep up the good work Glenn.